A review by alexandramilne
Sea by Sarah Driver


Read my other book reviews at booksibled.wordpress.com

I love YA adventure novels, and when they feature whole new worlds, animals, jobs and languages AND they happen to be really well written..? I mean, what more could you ask for?

The Huntress is a ship, its Captain is the main character, Mouse’s grandmother who is as wise as she is sharp. Mouse has lived on the ship her whole life and along with her little brother and father, the crew are her family. She is headstrong and quick thinking but also quick to anger and she rarely thinks things through before she acts.

Mouse’s incredible life on Huntress is suddenly turned on its head with the disappearance of her father on land and the arrival of a man who once left the ship for greener grass. Mouse is suddenly faced with a more uncertain future and the possibility of losing the only home she’s ever known. But if that wasn’t bad enough things get monumentally worse when her brother also vanishes. Now Mouse must set off on a quest to find her brother and solve the puzzle her father left for her but she must do it alone, something she never realised she has never done before, all the while being faced with a host of new and old faces who she now must figure out if she can trust.

It’s been a while since a book pulled me along so well that I dropped it to my lap so I could talk about it with anyone who will listen. I did it about every other chapter with The Huntress and one shock took me so much by surprise that I’ve left my copy with my friend just so I have someone to be shocked with. I love how involved I got with this book and I challenge you not to feel it. The emotions and family ties that are so deftly explored through the eyes of a 13 year old girl with her life slowly crumbling around her, are clearly a big part of the series which gives it a sense of ‘coming of age’ that rarely gets such a fresh take.

This is a gem of a book. That one that you pick up as a half price bargain or an impulse buy and then end up enjoying more than the book you originally went in for. This was everything I want from YA fiction. Action. Adventure. Magic. New worlds. Honestly, I’m frustrated that the next two books in the series are yet to be published because now begins the long slow wait for more!

P.S. Love it! Love it! Love it! I devoured this book in under a week and I’ll be first in line to pre-order the next two. Magic, rolling seas, ships, intrigue and pterodactyls. What more can a girl ask for?