A review by bookishbrighton
November 9 by Colleen Hoover


I don’t want to just slate this book as there something to be said for the fact that I finished it in one day - I think that’s mainly down to Colleen’s style of writing; it is very easy to read. There was also just enough intrigue created about how the story was going to end to keep me hooked, however, I could not stop eye rolling the whole way through the first ‘part’ of the book. I was physically cringing at the stuff Ben was saying and how we were supposed to believe that an 18 year old boy said these things genuinely. Fast forward to the ‘huge twist’ (not) and it got a little better, but not for long - I don’t want to give any spoilers but Fallon’s mum?! And Fallon, for that matter?! Both of their reactions were the most frustrating and unbelievable thing. Fallon’s reactions to most things were unbelievable and I found it so irritating - perhaps that added to why I just couldn’t seem to let myself enjoy the book. All that said, I think I will give Colleen Hoover another go and try another book, as her style of writing was addictive and the concept for the story was good, so I think she deserves another chance.