A review by sarahlw96
Bad Tourist: Misadventures in Love and Travel by Suzanne Roberts


“Travel is only glamorous in retrospect.” -Paul Theroux

A quote that I've never heard before but is perfect for this book and the nostalgic feeling for travel that it stirred in me. This collection of travel essays will make you cringe, laugh and shock you with its realness (that's a thing, right?) This is not a sort of travel guide that will advise you on the "must-see" sights of each place, but instead tells the story of Robert's journey into self acceptance and happiness.

The book is not structured in chronological order which, lent itself beautifully to Robert's chaotic emotions. Anyone who has an interest in travelling or has travelled themselves in any capacity will be able to relate to this on some level. It's terrifying, brilliant and brutally honest.

*I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review