A review by ineffablebob
Clash of Lines: A Drath Romance Novel by Meyari McFarland


Pretty decent space opera romance, I think, though the romance part at least is not really my thing so I may not be the best judge. This is a fast-paced story with plenty of action, intrigue, and emotions running high. It's set in the far future with body-modification technology that has people shifting genders, healing supernaturally fast, and superior strength and reflexes - effectively, magic. But all that doesn't change human nature, so power struggles and long-standing feuds are still around and interfering with true love.

The romance is of the love-at-first-sight, instant head-over-heels variety. Despite the lovers being from different worlds, totally unsuited to one another, and all the other usual objections. Not my thing, but I don't think it really got in the way since the plot just kept piling on reasons that the two main characters should be together. By the end it was the only reasonable outcome, so good for them.

Bottom line, I enjoyed Clash of Lines, but not so much that I'm anxious to read more. There's just better space opera out there that has a bit more depth and goes beyond true-love-conquers-all tropes.