A review by judithdcollins
It Takes Monsters by Mandy McHugh


Mandy McHugh returns following Chloe Cates Is Missing with IT TAKES MONSTERS — a woman planning on killing her husband; however, someone else beats her to the punch in this cat-and-mouse clever domestic suspense blended with dark humor.

Victoria Tate and her husband Warren live in the prestigious Kent Wood development, working together in her father's company, Livingston Corporation. Livingston women got married and had babies. She will have it all. The husband, house, and successful career. She loved her independence. He did not see her as an equal.

She and Warren skirted the edge in a dark dance for power.

Victoria has had enough of Warren trying to grab the company and push her aside, thinking she would be the wife to stay home and have children. No chance. She has worked too hard for this position, and he will not take over the company. She is running out of time. Warren was taking away her choice.

Victoria has studied and listened to true crime podcasts and feels like she is a pro and can pull off the perfect crime. She carefully plans the night of her husband's murder. However, the gala of one of their major clients is on the same night. It is a black-tie and masked affair in October.

Victoria also has a sister, Teagan, who is a doctor (plastic surgeon), and they are always at each other's throats with hilarious banter.

At the gala, Warren is drunk, and she finally leaves. However, he does not come home as intended, so she must clean up per plastic and prep. Then the cops show up, and he has been murdered.

How dare someone murder him before she has a chance. She is obsessed with solving this mystery. When she learns this was a brutal murder using a knife and his eyes removed, she is shocked. Did he have enemies?

Soon thereafter, she begins receiving texts from someone named X. X seems to know a lot about her and her plans. X begins taunting her and seems to be one step ahead of her. Who is X? Is X the murderer and the motive? She slowly begins to learn her husband has deep secrets.

Once you think the book is wrapped up with the identity of X, there is a final jaw-dropping twist when Victoria takes back the power. Often, the monsters are within us or right in front of us.

Mandy McHugh delivers a twisty game of cat and mouse murder in IT TAKES MONSTERS. However, who is the cat, and who is the mouse? Dark, sinister, disturbing, and wickedly evil. For fans of authors Kaira Rouda and Victoria Helen Stone.

Thanks to Penzler Publishers and NetGalley for an early reading copy for an honest opinion.

Blog review posted @
@JudithDCollins | #JDCMustReadBooks
Pub Date: Oct 17, 2023
My Rating: 4 Stars
Oct 2023 Must-Read Books