A review by bibliophile90
Where Lightning Strikes by A.L. Jackson


**Received ARC in exchange for an honest review**


"Do you know what it feels like right before lightning strikes?"

We met Tamar and Lyrik in A Stone in the Sea. This book is their story. The moment Tamar met Lyrik she started acting differently. In the previous books we got to see Tamar as a tough girl who didn't need anything or anyone, especially from guys. Lyrik had been trying to get with her for about a year but was unsuccessful. In the last couple of years Tamar has build a wall around her and nobody has been able to break down those walls.

"He stood out like a fiery bold of electricity. A streak of light and a blanket of dark. So destructive and compelling it was impossible to look away, the boy posed to strike and set you aflame."

However Tamar is intrigued by Lyrik but knows he his bad news. But like many girls there is a time where you can't continue to resist the bad boy. The first quarter of the book there was a lot of hostility between the two. Tamar kept pushing him but at the same time she is jealous and can't stop thinking about him. The moment the two come together is both heartbreaking and beautiful. Both are haunted by their pasts and are struggling to move on from it.

"Loving someone was like volunteering for heartache and sorrow and a lifetime of bullshit."

Lyrik broke my heart a couple of times in this book. He said and did things that were difficult to read. My heart went out to Tamar during these scenes. It was obvious something happened to him, he was still stuck in the past and couldn't move on. He mentioned a couple of times that his heart wasn't his to give. I was really curious what happened to him. We get a couple of small peeks when he is talking to Zee, Ash and Baz, but nothing major. We finally see what happened in one flashback. I did not see it coming. I really felt bad for him and finally understood his behavior. There were also a couple of times he was the perfect guy who was able to bring Tamar out of lonely world she was stuck in. They still have to face their pasts if they want to move on...

"You are everything I never expected. Never anticipated. Everything I never knew I'd need."

I adored the epilogue!! I also loved being reunited with the gang. I really missed Baz, Shea and Kallie. The same goes for Zee and Ash. Ash had me cracking up so many times in this book. He is such an outgoing guy. Zee is the more responsible one. I can't wait to read their stories. Super excited that we get Austin's story first though. I wonder what he has been up to since the last time we saw him.

"That girl was a bundle of fireworks, and I was certain we'd go boom."

AL Jackson did an amazing job with this book. It is very poetic and I adore her writing. She is one of the few authors whose books I automatically one-click. I have read all her books and will continue to do so in the future.

"Dark and light. Corrupt and pure."

"Wild, wicked Red and sweet, beautiful Blue."

"Temptation. That's what you are. An angel wrapped up in a demon's body. Heaven and hell. A gift and my greatest demise."