A review by myzanm
The Earthsea Trilogy by Ursula K. Le Guin


This is one of my long time favorites. I don’t know how many times I’ve re-read it over the years, but there has been plenty...

There’s a lot of nostalgia surrounding this book. It was the first book I bought with my own money and the first book I bought at the annual book sale. I was only 10 at the time and actually had my mind set on something else entirely. What that was, I can’t remember anymore, but next to that was a pile of blue bricks.... I remember wondering why they had put adult books among the children’s / teen’s books. I picked it up, turned to the back... and was hooked...
I still have that exact copy, dust jacket in place. A bit ragged and well used but oh so loved. During my year living in London I wandered in to a bookstore on the hunt for something to read and walked out with my first English copy. It somewhat eased my homesickness.
It was THE book I packed when getting ready for the birth of my first child and it has always been one of the first books to find its way up in the bookcase after a move. (All five copies of it...)
It was the book that opened the door to my passionate love for fantasy books, paving the way for Tolkien...
So yes, there’s a lot of nostalgia and feelings connected to this book. I will not even try to be objective. This is a book always present in my classroom and I try to entice my students to pick it up. It’s one of those books you just wants everyone else to love. I even made my husband read it before we married...

In short;
I love it!!!
Read it!!!