A review by jplayjames
When Dreams Change by Violet Morley


I didn't realise until about 60% that this book was by Violet Morley; I've not loved the other books I've read by her and might not have picked it up if I had noticed beforehand. However, compared to DNFing Sprinkled in the Stars and giving Under the Sitka Sky a 1.5, I definitely think her books are improving over time and I am more likely to consider future ones.

It sometimes needed a little more proof reading, the characters didn't really feel very different in terms of narrative voice, and there were some plot points that I think should have either been wrapped up or cut, but even the biggest gripe I had about UtSS - stilted inhuman dialogue - barely made an appearance here.

OK it's still not the most flattering review but again, I had a much worse opinion of this author's writing a few days ago than I do after reading this one.