A review by geekwayne
Wild Card by Mark Powers, Jim Butcher


'Jim Butcher's Dresden Files: Wild Card' by Jim Butcher with art by Mark Powers is the 6th Dresden Files graphic novel, and it might be my favorite in the series so far. This story takes place after the White Night novel.

A double murder has happened, and Harry Dresden gets drawn into a case that may cause a civil war between the White Court of vampires and the city's main crime boss,Johnny Marcone. Fortunately, Harry has a sharp young apprentice in Molly Carpenter, a good frind on the police force in Karrin Murphy, and a half-brother named Thomas who is a vampire. He will need all these resources as well as a visit to his scary fairy Godmother to sort things out.

I'm a fan of the books and the graphic novels. It's great to see the characters in art, and the art here is rather good. The story holds up well, too. I've felt like sometimes the graphic novels have been a bit weak, but I liked this one a lot.

I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Dynamite Entertainment, Diamond Book Distributors, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.