A review by kentucky_cried_fricken
The Sun and the Star by Mark Oshiro, Rick Riordan


cheesy and makes you roll your eyes every once in a while, but a fun read
1)lots of falling... a lot(atleast 18 times to be precise , and that's just the mcs)
2)this book is so subtle with it's commentary... so subtle... totally not being sarcastic...
3)dear characters, sometimes you should use your brain to take decisions and not just your heart
4)wtf were you thinking bringing a child of the sun god to the freaking underworld?!?!?
5)honestly, relationship goals(except for the whole plunging-into-hell part)
6)will's vitamin D levels must have fallen by a lot lol
7)why hasnt camp half blood developed some kind of protective gear to go into tartarus/the underworld?
8)(in persephone's garden)bro, stop simping for your mother in law
9)let's be honest. nyx could have defeated them all by a swig of her finger but doesn't for plot reasons

-Will still wasn’t used to the fact that his boyfriend kept random bits of human bone in his pockets for emergencies, but he guessed everyone needed a hobby.
-"IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, EAT CHOCOLATE" somebody's a fan of lupin.
-‘It’s telling me to jump.’ ‘Well … don’t?’ same energy as-"i am depressed.""don't be"
-we are brave. but we prefer to be brave from a distance
-‘You count to me, bro.’ ‘Bro,’
-love:It’s like drifting down a river of pain and knowing you are safe. It’s like holding a person in your arms and realizing they are an interlocking piece of a puzzle you hadn’t known how to assemble. It’s like staring into a dark and treacherous expanse, unsure of what awaits you but finding comfort in the fact that you won’t have to face it alone."
-now that Nyx has plucked your demons from you … choose happiness. Not for me, not for your sister or mother, but for yourself. You deserve it, Nico.

-‘All of you could fall to the bottom of the sea and I wouldn’t care. But I’d prefer if you two were the last to drown."
-if he had even an inkling of homophobia in him he couldn’t have worked in a place like Hollywood. Almost no one there is straight.’