A review by faye_okay
Juvenile In Justice by Richard Ross


Heartbreaking, illuminating and beyond important look at a slice of our society that seems entirely foreign to most, but ignored by many who are aware of it.
Deeply personal to me. An expanded look at what many families such as my own have had a small glimpse into, but could never fully understand. My older brother's adolescence mirrored so many of the accounts documented in this work. Behavior and mental problems that escalated as he got older eventually turning into stays at juvenile facilities across the midwest. Sometimes charged, sometimes not; but always with the supposition that it was the answer. With hindsight now at our disposal, it obvious that it wasn't for the right course of action and may have caused more harm than good. His life isn't a miracle story of triumph over his trouble, he will always struggle not only with his own psyche but with his lack of socialization that comes from so much of his formative years spent locked up.
But he is one of the lucky ones, unlike so many of the kids documented, he's out of the system (for now), and more importantly, hasn't succumbed to the tragic end that befall many through suicide, violence and addiction.