A review by ctorretta
The Sleeping Dead by Richard Farren Barber


This one was really strange! Creepy is totally this book’s middle name. I could feel the intensity that Jackson was feeling but more at the beginning of the story than the end.

First Jackson is just having a regular day and trying to get to a job interview. There’s this one guy on the bus that seems really weird. Like not the normal weird that you know is ok but really weird like they may kill someone soon! He gets off the bus but stops long enough to tell the bus driver that something is just NOT right with that guy. Sadly, Jackson didn’t leave the weirdness behind him but walked right into it!

I really enjoyed this. The writing was intense and kept that intensity throughout. People are running around killing themselves, and the people around them, without any sort of explanation. That’s just creepy! The deeper Jackson gets into this storyline the more worried I become for his safety. There is just no where safe and being alone makes that worse.

I think the story progressed nicely but what I didn’t love was the ending. Everything was leading to something somewhere and the ending just felt kind of blah. Like eating your last cookie while watching television so you don’t actually realize it’s your last cookie until you look down and do not remember eating all three cookies but you know you can’t go get anymore! You just ate three!

It was sort of like that… I either wanted to remember the intensity at the ending or I wanted there to be like some horrific thing that happened. Or maybe some answers to why this is happening!

In short: this reminded me of The Happening by M. Night Shymalan. Creepier than the movie but with less answers in the end.


Thank you to Darkfuse for the opportunity to read this for an honest review.