A review by bryce_is_a_librarian
Gone, Baby, Gone by Dennis Lehane


Ah here we are back at the beginning.

I started reading The Kenzie Genarro series after I saw Affleck's excellent adaptation of this novel, now I've finally reached it again, and it's every bit the masterpiece that it should be.

It's nice to see the series get back on track after Sacred. Not that Sacred wasn't good, on the contrary it was an immensely entertaining book. But it took Kenzie and Genarro a bit to far from their stomping grounds. Not that it wasn't fun to watch my two favorite Boston ass whoopers take out the trash, but crazy trillionaires and evil cults was a bit two well far fetched. Not that the adversaries in the first two books where what you'd call low key. But Sacred upped the Anti so much that I was half wondering whether or not Pat and Angie would end up taking on SPECTRE before the series was out.

The other problem with Sacred was it got away from what made the series so great. To put it simply they got away clean. Not that they didn't pay the price for their adventure in Florida, but the lines of good and evil were very clear. Gone Baby Gone plays hardball with a vengeance, and brings everything back to square one. Two relatively good people faced with impossible choices, and attempting to live with their decisions with whatever small amount of grace they can muster.