A review by shellysbookcorner
Always Mine by A.J. Renee


So after reading Widower’s Aura I was excited to read about Lindsey and Marc. Lindsey and Marc grew up together as he was best friends with her older brother, Andrew. During the story we are given flashbacks of how their attraction all began which I liked. This story in addition to being a second chance romance also has some suspenseful moments as well. We have stalker who is obsessed with Lindsey. The author did a good job of giving us little hints and clues along the way and the person I suspected was the stalker. It's always the ones you least expect! So back to the romance aspect of the story. Lindsey and Marc are insanely attracted to each other but I wish they had better communication with each other. Several times I wanted to shout “JUST TALK IT OUT”!!!! But as the book progressed they were able to express themselves better and I love seeing a couple grow! We also got to catch up with Sofia and Nick who were the main couple in the first book. I'm looking forward to reading the next book in the series as Renee’s writing and storytelling flowed and improved in this book!

For more reviews check me out at: http://www.shellysbookcorner.com