A review by superdilettante
What Fresh Hell Is This?: Perimenopause, Menopause, Other Indignities, and You by Heather Corinna


This IS the perimenopause book I've been waiting for. Rather than wading through oceans of patriarchal BS about making sure not to disrupt other people while you retain your supple flexibility and people-pleasing properties, this book acknowledges, names, and even celebrates the many transformational experiences of peri- and menopause. What you'll find: discussion about sexual and body changes; how to cope with other people when you want to tell them all to f off; radical self-care; calling in and being part of support systems; radical acceptance. What you won't find, and thank the Lumpy Space Princess for this: transphobia/transexclusionary language, misogyny, queer erasure, capitulation.

Extra super special points for Heather Corinna's listing their special webpage in the appendix - it includes great playlists, drink recipes, and the hilarious (and perpetually necessary) acknowledgement that sometimes that cool punk person from days of yore is now deeply problematic and probably should just be shelved for the time being.

I recommend this book to ANYONE who knows ANYONE who is, was, or will experience menopause.

I received a proof of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.