A review by beckymmoe
His Work Of Art by Shannyn Schroeder


A short, quick, sweet read--with comic book nerds!

From the first page, His Work of Art made me think of the Doubleclicks video and song "Nothing to Prove"

I'm soooo glad that Adam never made Reese feel less than because she was a girl. The fact that she preferred DC over Marvel, though, that's a whole other kettle of fish... ;)

I'm not a huge comic book/graphic novel reader myself, but I've always been fascinated with how they are put together. It was really neat seeing Reese and Adam collaborating over Reese's final school project--and the fact that they're falling for each other as they do so is a nice bonus.

I was a little confused at first about why Adam was so convinced that they'd be a bad idea together (and is it just me, or does cover Adam just look like a lightly toasted white guy?) but I'm really glad his mother helped to set him straight in that regard. Nothing like a good smack upside the head from mom to set a hero straight!

Reese is a great character--I was in her corner from the very beginning; she knew what she wanted and went for it, at least with her school project. She needed just a little more confidence to go for what she wanted in the more personal aspect of her life, but she managed to work that out too by the end of the book. I am so glad that her project looks like it's going to be a success. It would be awesome if the Lyrid comics really existed (hint, hint!)

Such a cute book--I'd definitely read more from this series. Though this one is book four, it worked just fine as a standalone.

Rating: 4 stars / B+