A review by moody_gobling
The Forgotten Kingdom by Signe Pike


This book, unlike the first, struggled to hold my attention. I'm not sure if it was the style of the book or finding out that the last in the trilogy wont be released for some time that slowed my pace. It was still enjoyable, but not as much as the first.

After meditating on it, this book feels very much like an intake of breath. Things are happening, the game board is being set. The exposition is building. Characters begin to solidify themselves into who they are in the great Arthurian Mythos. It feels very much like the middle of a trilogy, because this is a "building" book.

The only issue I have with the story is that somewhere in the middle of the book, the differing POV experience different timelines. It was a little confusing to me until it became clear that this is what had happened. In one POV a character was talking about Imbolc and the Wolf Moon, while a chapter or two before and after had been about Samhain. I had wondered whether or not the author had made a mistake until I sorted out the time difference for myself.

Over all, this book is "okay". Not enough to stop me from reading the third, and likely I will be re-reading this book the year that the third one is released.