A review by daisybox
My Savage Empire by Steffanie Holmes


If I could rate this in negative numbers I'd do it.
I hated this book more than the others.
I hated the characters and how much they changed or stayed the same - Noah turned into a psychopath and Gabe spent the whole series being a depressed alcoholic.
Lots of things don't make sense and the author didn't even try to write a cohesive story. How can teenagers pull this off? How can a young girl rent an apartment and work? Give me a break.
I love a good twist but I need to read some clues through the story, I need a logical explanation. The whole "contact lenses" story was dumb af.
The end was ridiculous. The guys were right when they left Claudia near the end, she never gave a shit about them and never will. I hated her so bad when I liked her in the beginning.
I usually like Steffanie Holmes' work but this is a giant mess.