A review by magyklyxdelish
Dear Laura by Gemma Amor


Wow. What to say about this.

First of all I will say Trigger Warning before anyone reads this book: it deals with kidnapping, assault, death and alludes to pedophilia

This took me on quite an emotional ride. This is a dark and tangled journey you go on with Laura over the course of 30 years of her life. Her desperation for answers and then her desperation to just make the game end.

It shows how this sick and twisted game she was manipulated into changed her and shaped her existence. It detailed how it emotionally impacted her and mentally. Gemma masterfully captures the utter feeling of despair Laura felt and expertly detailed her panic attacks and paranoia.

After reading Till the Score Is Paid, I was immediately impressed how carefully Gemma talked about assault and post natal depression, both very tough subjects. I come away from this book feeling the exact same way. Never once did this come across as exploitive and told just for the sake of horror and creeps. She delicately and brutally approaches these topics with finesse.

Gemma has a lifelong fan in me and I eagerly await anything else she has in her mind.

5/5 ⭐️