A review by river24
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu

adventurous emotional funny mysterious medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


570k words later, I am truly changed. WOW, just wow! MDZS quickly became one of my favourite things of all-time and I will absolutely never forget it!
It was all done so cleverly. The plot was intricate and had so many plot twists, it shared the perfect amount of information at the exact right times–always quenching our need to know more whilst simultaneously asking several more intriguing questions, making us wait to discover these answers. It was so much fun from beginning to end and I just can't believe it's over. I devoured this in a week and I can't believe it's over! I never would have guessed where this story was going to take us and I truly did enjoy every single second.
I adored the chapters fluctuating between the present and the past, it was so interesting to experience the story in that way. I adored the chapters and points of view we saw through Empathy as well. What a smart way to tell a story.
I was hooked the minute I heard 'soul-eating goddess' and 'ghost general' literally what more could you ever ask from a book? Then I read the chapters that we first experienced in the past about when they were all kids studying in the Cloud Recesses, and I instantly fell in love. Those chapters gave me a very similar comforting feeling as the chapters in The Song of Achilles, where Achilles and Patroclus are studying with Chiron, did.
Next we came to the unforgettable Grasses chapters. That sealed my fate and I will now go to my grave clutching this story in my heart. I was already sold, but those chapters won my soul! The story of Xiao XingChen, Xue Yang, Song Lan, and A-Qing was an evocative, emotional, heart-breaking one that I could not stop thinking about at all. Their story will haunt me forever.
My favourite storyline was when we finally witnessed Wei WuXian's past and his downfall. I'd been waiting for so long to find out what happened and I was so invested in all these characters. Witnessing Wei Ying's slow corruption arc and the slow corruption and falling of so many of his relationships had me on the edge of my seat, heartbroken. What I loved most was that his corruption arc made sense and I loved that we were still on his side, I loved that we got to witness the other sects hypocrisy and fears. The world praised him when he fought alongside them, but as soon as he became his own power the world turned against him. Seeing Wei Ying antagonised like this made all his actions feel real and plausible. I finally understood how things got so bad, I finally understood why he was turned into the villain.
It was all done incredibly. I'm in awe of the formulation of such a story as detailed and complex as this one. I adore it with all my heart.
The characters were absolutely amazing and this is where my review is going to turn into me rambling about my opinions on all the characters (so don't expect any of this to make sense if you haven't read it and another spoiler warning for good measure!)
Wei WuXian (Wei Ying)- My favourite character! My absolute beloved! He is the most chaotic character that you will literally ever meet and I just adore him with everything in me. He never failed to make me laugh and the more outrageous he was, the better! As I said before, his corruption arc and downfall were written so well and believably. So many aspects of this story made me sigh in awe at their construction whilst also fall apart at their emotion. I also think that as 'crooked' and dangerous as it may be, the cultivation path he walked was definitely the coolest. If I were alive in this world I would absolutely try to walk it to! (Would it end in my death? Inevitably, yes. Would it be worth it? Absolutely yes.) I'll talk about his relationships with characters as I encounter them...
Lan WangJi (Lan Zhan)- My stoic kind-hearted hero. Lan Zhan truly is the sweetest and him and his rabbits make my heart melt. His powers on the guqin are so cool and the idea and meaning of him and Wei Ying duetting (Wei Ying on Chenqing) means so much to me. I adored him so much, all the characters in this story are written so complex and beautifully.
I adored Wei Ying and Lan Zhan's relationship more than anything (WangXian stole my entire heart, of course they did, what did you expect?) I'd heard people talk about them and how infatuated they are with each other and oh my god were they right. These two dumb idiots need to learn how to communicate (although I do love slowburn) because there were some moments when it was so blindingly obvious I was screaming. Their story has stolen everything in me and they can keep it, it's all theirs, everything is theirs, they deserve it all. They deserve the world and I hope they live peacefully happily ever after. If anyone disturbs their peace I will personally see to it that they are...disposed of...
Jin Ling- My bastard child. Jin Ling is the annoying kid who's kicking the back of your chair on the train, but just as you're turning around to yell at him, you realise he's all by himself–no friends, no family–and you can't help but feel bad for him so you give him a lollipop, but you still smack him when he kicks your chair again. I honestly don't know how else I can explain better how I feel about Jin Ling. He's an annoying little idiot, but if anyone else said that I'd beat them up. I love him and I just want him to be happy. His story had me heartbroken and as soon as we broke through his pretentious act I adored him. He deserved a much better life than the one that was handed to him and his pain hurt me just as much. I adored the writing of his complicated relationships with those around him (this man really did not have one single easy relationship), especially with Wei WuXian and Wen Ning. Through those interactions we really got to understand him better through his grief and his pain and what an amazingly complex character to write.
Lan XiChen- The original WangXian shipper. I loved Lan XiChen and his subtle support. He was a kind, compassionate, understanding person and that was both his greatest strength and weakness. I think that that was incredibly clever. His inability to mistrust those he was loyal to (looking at you Jin GuangYao) ultimately broke him and I truly loved how that was done. I will come to him and Jin GuangYao in time, never fear.
Wen Ning- I adore Wen Ning. I was intrigued by him the moment he appeared as the fearsome Ghost General, however when we witnessed the timid boy who helped save Wei WuXian and Jiang Cheng I couldn't comprehend him as the same man. How was this sweet boy the slaughterer he was rumoured to be? I spent a long, long time curious about him and he quickly became one of my favourites as we witnessed him as Wen Ning the Person instead of Wen Ning the Legend. He was one of the kindest characters in the whole thing and I loved him very dearly. He really did deserve so much better.
I loved his and Wei WuXian's relationship, their closeness and friendship was heart-warming. As I mentioned before, his relationship with Jin Ling was complicated and painful, but I loved that storyline and how it all played out. My favourite relationship of Wen Ning's was that of him and a lost relative that we'll come to...next...
Lan SiZhui (Lan Yuan/Wen Yuan)- I loved Lan SiZhui from the very beginning; he was kind (in particular to Wei WuXian) when others were not and he instantly gained my favour. He only got kinder from there, he was loyal and compassionate and so very sweet.
Wen Yuan (or A-Yuan) the baby made an appearance quite late into the book, but I nevertheless instantly grew attached and I adored the moments with him, especially the ones shared with Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi. I said to myself, if anything happens to A-Yuan I will make sure they all perish! I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed when I found out Lan SiZhui and Wen Yuan were the same person, what an incredible plot twist. When I say sobbed, I mean SOBBED.
Lan SiZhui's relationships with everyone were jovial and nice, just like his nature. I particularly loved his and Lan Zhan's relationship and finding out at the end that it was Lan Zhan who rescued him only solidified that fact. Lan SiZhui's and Wen Ning's relationship was my favourite, though, it felt like the joining of two limbs, like an echoing call from far away had finally reached the right ears. I was so happy that they found each other and I grieved for all the other fallen Wens (the nice ones).
Jiang Cheng- A myriad of complex emotions. I never truly settled on how I felt about Jiang Cheng, even by the end of the story. Although not one of my favourites, I did still like him. He was a very well-written complex character too. His and Wei WuXian's everchanging relationship throughout the years was one of my favourites, they were real brothers. They both made great sacrifices for one another and finding out both of those immense sacrifices made me extremely emotional.
Jin GuangYao- I hate this man. He is so incredibly annoying and manipulative. I like him as a villain because I did not expect him at all until it was obvious, but everything I learned only made me hate him more and more. I cannot imagine a single person liking him, but there are always weirdos in every fandom. I did, however, like the commentary on Jin GuangYao being made into a nightmare. I loved Wei WuXian realising that GuangYao was now assuming his fate and being written into the role of villain in every story. Whilst their characters and situations differ dramatically (Wei WuXian made mistakes, GuangYao was just horrible), seeing this familiar antagonism was quite eerie and I really loved how it was captured. In all fairness, Jin GuangYao was a clever villain, getting away with it for so long.
One aspect I loved in his story was his relationship with Lan XiChen. I absolutely ship them, his declaration about never having thought about harming XiChen was nothing if not a declaration of love and I stand by that. Lan XiChen was blind to his flaws and loyal to a fault. What I love so much about their ending is that it is never explicitly specified whether GuangYao actually wanted to harm him or not. That made a situation that could be easily seen as morally black and white, very grey. It was such a smart writing choice.
Jiang YanLi- She deserved so much better, I truly wish I could give her the world. I don't even want to think about her too much or I'll cry. It was obvious to anyone how much Jiang Cheng and Wei WuXian cared for her and how far they'd go to protect her. That moment truly tore apart my heart and I'd give anything to reverse time and change it. She would have been such an incredible, kind mother.
Xiao XingChen- He was so brave and virtuous. If someone said 'knight' he's the first person you'd think of. I adored him and his entire storyline so much. He had a good heart and sacrificed so much. He deserved so much better. His story read like a Shakespearean tragedy (in the best way possible).
Song Lan- I loved everything between him and Xiao XingChen. SHIP! The sacrifices were incredible and everything about their story was heart-breaking. His death scene was gut-wrenching, I had my jaw dropped, tears streaming down my face. I knew it was coming but it still hurt so much. It was so poetic and, in a way, beautiful, but so, so painful. When he vowed to travel until him and XingChen would meet again one day, my heart erupted out of grief.
Xue Yang- I think he truly did come to care for Xiao XingChen (and even A-Qing), why else would he have stayed for so long? Song Lan waltzed in and ruined the perfect fantasy he'd dreamed up, he reminded him of his anger and his hatred. I don't like Xue Yang as a person, but he's a great character.
A-Qing- The bravest character in the entire thing. She was courageous until the end and long after, her bravery helped defeat Xue Yang in the end and I loved her so much. She was cunning and incredible and I only wish she'd killed Xue Yang whilst still alive. What an amazing person.
Lan JingYi- He made me laugh, I liked his good-natured ribs at Jin Ling. I loved all the young disciples, their close relationships, and their trust in Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi.
Wen Qing- She was another character full of love. Her determination to do anything for Wen Ning and for her people was so admirable and courageous. I wish she hadn't met such an end, she deserved so much better. So many characters' stories ended in tragedy.
Lan QiRen- i didn't like him much, but his absolute unfaltering hatred for Wei WuXian never failed to make me laugh.
Nie HuaiSang- I loved his fans! I'm still stuck wondering if HuaiSang is a head-shaking coward or a genius mastermind. I love it either way. His character makes me laugh, however to say I like him would be a stretch, but I don't dislike him.

Overall, this was one of the BEST things. One of the best. I had such an incredible time reading it and I already want to reread. Everyone go read it right this second!