A review by lisa_the_bookdragon
Angel Eyes by Shannon Dittemore


This was an engrossing, exciting, captivating story :D It had a bit of a "Twilight" feel to it - but in a good way. If you can imagine that.

The whole thing about angels and demons was beyond interesting. Usually when books have an extra point of view - not one of the mcs' - I jump it. I was expecting to skip the demon Damien's pov as well, but nope. Too interesting. #extrapoints

I'm always a little ... careful ... reading about the supernatural in fiction ... supernatural which is real. I want it to be rightly portrayed, and in this case, I feel that it was. Obviously we don't know the details about angels' and demons' lives and much of this came out the author's imagination but the idea was right. It shows the spiritual realm + the unseen battles going on. And it's interesting, because while this wasn't "real", it is "real". (i.e. This is fiction - but such things could be taking place. I believe such forces DO EXIST. ) We don't actually know all this could happen, but it brought a good kind of awareness. Do I usually think about what is going on in the sky? #nope. And as a story - as a plot - as characters - these were fascinating and unlike anything I've read before.

Brielle was a nice character. It was interesting that a lot of important information about her was in her past. The story started here - but the backstory was oh, so important. It was a great character arc about brokenness and believing and healing. And she was a talented girl - and I like heroines who ARE GOOD AT SOMETHING. Who have specialty. And Jake was just perfect. Sweet and good and selfless. (So maybe you'll complain about too much perfection but this time I don't care ;D)

I liked those little side details along the way. About school and the classroom and her home and dad and the food and donuts and cars and photos and bedrooms ... it made it feel so everyday and real and relatable. I could visualize it so well. It brought a wonderful realism to it.

This dealed with choices and healing and brokenness and truth and eyes being opened. Great themes. And I think the themes were really symbolized and personified in Jake's and Brielle's gifts. It was pure awesome.

And the view of God + the spiritual was different that usual - because most of it was from the angels' and demons' perspective. That was really new and ... good.

The major conflict/problem had to do with human trafficking. A harsh subject but to me - a kind of awareness-raising, interesting, different, eye-opening kind of issue/conflict. And that is just how I saw it. It wasn't as if the author was blatantly trying to make her readers aware of this - it just naturally flowed out of the story. And so I am pleased. But it's a mature issue, so maybe a 13+ recommendation? If you/the potential reader is under that age use your own judgement :D

The interactions, the dialogue, the plot, the conflict, the action, the flashbacks, the mystery, the daily life, the supernatural, all wove together beautifully to create a wonderful and engaging story - slightly intriguing and a bit disturbing in a good way. It left many thoughts behind.

4 1/2 stars. I highly recommend :D