A review by kokechii
A Song Everlasting by Ha Jin


I received an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review in 2021. I am very late in reviewing this only because I'm fairly sure I either never got the mail for the approval or I sadly missed it completely. So when I noticed it now, I went on to actually read the book!

A Song Everlasting was an interesting book to read. Firstly, I fell in love with the title. Secondly, it's my first book by Ha Jin and I deeply wish I loved this more. The read was interesting in a way of me being someone who knows nothing about the struggles described here - not the political problems, not the China/US problems or the life of an artist. The slower pace works well, taking you through Yao Tian's life but I think the book suffered a bit from "and then" syndrome. Still, I am glad I read it.