A review by booksong
The Quillan Games by D.J. MacHale


This is the beginning of the end.

So believes Bobby Pendragon as he enters the unbelievable, twisted, amazing territory of Quillan. On Quillan, the people play games where the stakes could mean life and death; betting in order to continue their very existance. Mindless robotic dolls called dados keep order. A sadistic and creepy pair named Veego and LaBerge pit Challengers against each other...and Bobby has stumbled into the middle of their deadly games. Meanwhile, tragedy strikes on Second Earth as Mark and Courtney struggle to understand the immensity of their best friend's duty and the depths of Saint Dane's evil. The demon Traveler's plots are spiraling outward to become ever more complex and astoundingly clever.

Really, this series is one of the most imaginative I've ever read in terms of sheer originality for every volume. And the style is awesome. You can see how far Bobby has come from the first book, and yet he still has deeply realistic vulnerabilities and thoughts in different situations. And although you keep on thinking that you really should've gotten Saint Dane's measure by the 7th book, each diabolical twist of his was still a surprise to me. And now, unbelievably, the action and intrigue seem to be about to be taken up another notch for the 8th book!