A review by anjalisudarsan
Hour of the Witch by Chris Bohjalian


The fear of 'eternal damnation', or 'hell' has led people to build horror upon horrors on earth. An example of which were the Salem Witch trials.
This book is set in the same time period, when people had migrated from Britain to lead a life away from 'sin', policing morality and women and linking it to faith. A victim of this is Mary Deerfield, filing for divorce from her cruel husband. The plot gets into your head when you realize this was the reality of people living at the time - when the ideas of morality forced her to continue living with a man whose violence could kill her. Makes you realize that hell is just certain people around us. My heart went out to her throughout the story, and I rooted for her right till the end.
The writing of this book was phenomenal; the slow burn had my attention. The language (thou, thee, etc) was a bit annoying to read through, but I really enjoyed the story.