A review by eesh25
Illuminae by Jay Kristoff, Amie Kaufman


I'm a little late to the Illuminae party, I know. But epistolary is not my favourite format. I always struggle to connect with characters and it feels gimmick-y to me. So whenever anyone raved about the "unique format", it just made me want to read it less. But I'd heard that the audiobook is really good so I finally decided to give it a go. And honestly, I couldn't imagine this book in any other format. The way the story is told is perfect and the audiobook is amazing.

The book follows Kady and Ezra. It's 2575 and they are two of the thousands of people who live on an illegal mining colony in the Kerenza system. They're both in school when the tiny planet is attacked by BeiTech, a big corporation. A large population of the planet dies but some manage to escape on a fleet of three ships. That's where the book starts.

I've heard some complaints about this book being a little hard to follow and it is, initially. The book is in the format or interviews, diary entries, emails etc. and all the events of the book have already happened when the book starts. It's just giving us a detailed account of those events; that Kerenza IV was attacked, and what went down afterward. Kady went on one ship, Hypatia, and Ezra went onboard Alexander. They have a strained relationship because they'd just broken us mere hours ago and communication between ships isn't allows, but they find a way to talk and to work through their problems so as to deal with the current big problem, which is the giant enemy ship that's following them.

The Lincoln is a dreadnought (I'm not sure what that means beyond big and dangerous ship) and it follows the fleet Ezra and Kady are a part of so that no one can find out how they killed thousands on Kerenza. The military personal on the fleet are working to make sure that can reach the nearest safe station, which is six months away, without getting killed.

And that's the basic plot of it all. I didn't know all of this going in because I didn't read the synopsis but I'm not sure how much it would have mattered. The book has an abrupt beginning and kind of expects you to already know the names and stuff, it seems. But really, you just need to get through the first third of the book and familiarize yourself with the major players. After that, it's a hell of a ride.

This is a very fast paced book and it keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time. Ezra and Kady are great protagonist. Ezra is surprisingly sweet and has a great sense of humour while Kady is guarded but cares a lot. She's also willing to go to any length to get things done and this time, she's determined to save the fleet, especially Ezra. She's a bit frosty at first because of the break-up but there are more important things going on so the two learn to work together, even if the "work" is to keep each other sane after losing their home and being separated from everyone they know.

The chase from the Lincoln is exciting and nerve-wracking because it's a very fast ship and we know it's going to catch up, which means there's going to be a fight. And the countdown to Lincoln intersection just makes things worse. And the Lincoln is just the first big bad. There's also a more immediate, and awesome villain, plus a lot of shit going on with ships and the thousands of poeple stuck on them.

Safe to say, the book does not lack in action. I loved the plot and the humour, I thought the format was exactly the right choice for the story, I loved the many revelations and the tension it created, I loved the characters and the villain was the best thing ever. The audiobook is fantastic. All the narrators did such a great job. My favorite was, hands down, Analyst ID 7213 (absolutely hilarious) and I'm really pumped for Gemina. I'm thinking of a paperback this time but maybe also the audiobook? Nah, paperback it is. Though if I love it as much as this one, I might listen to the audio as a reread.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves action and science-fiction. I will stress that you need to be a little patient with the starting chunk of it but that's about it. The rest is smooth sailing.