A review by charlottelynn
Our Italian Summer by Jennifer Probst


In Our Italian Summer we see three women take the vacation for different reason. Nonni knows that something is wrong with her and wants to have this time with her daughter and granddaughter with hopes that it will help to heal their relationship. Sophia takes the vacation to keep Allegra away from some friends that seem to be taking her down the wrong path. Allegra, the granddaughter, is forced to go by her mother.

Jennifer Probst brought Italy to life for me. I could picture the places they visited, taste the foods they ate, hear the conversations they had, and hear the sounds they heard. The descriptions of the land, the places they stayed, and the food had me picturing the world they were traveling as if I was right beside them on this once in a lifetime trip. I especially loved the dinners with the dancing, laughing, and having fun.

The relationship between Sophia and Allegra was tough. Sophia is a workaholic who just wants a better life for her daughter while her daughter just wants her mother’s attention. Their relationship is one that needs work and Nonni is the one to make it happen. While Nonni wants nothing more than for that to happen, she chooses her words careful and only uses them at the right time. She is not pushy or overbearing and is wise in her years to realize that she cannot fix them, they must fix themselves. I enjoyed that there were tense moments. There were times of arguing, fighting, and yelling but there were also tender, friendly moments that showed their relationship held hope of becoming one of trust, respect, and love.

Everything about Our Italian Summer is wonderful. Reading to story took me away to place I have never been with characters I would love to travel with. The story has a very real message about family dynamics and respecting each other and their choices.