A review by amycoles
Ten by Gretchen McNeil


I went into this book with absolutely no expectations and finished the book feeling good about it, but not amazing.

First off (this has been driving me crazy), the island on the cover of the book is way way way too small to be the Henry Island, the book's main setting.

All I can call this is a murder mystery book, I wouldn't go as far to say that this is a thriller, though it is suspenseful as the characters fear which of them will dies next. I generally scare really easily, but I didn't feel the least bit scared reading it, I felt more like a detective trying to solve the case before the main characters.

Now the characters of the book are pretty basic, following the characters tropes of the popular girl, the quiet friend, the beach bum, the jock, the control freak, the punk, the creepy ladies man, the big teddy bear, the solo singer and the boy toy. Despite the cliche quality to the characters, it was fun to watch their descent into madness or terror as they discover their life-threatening situation.

The main "forbidden" romance struck me as a little petty and drawn out, but I still found myself rooting for them and loving them as a potential couple.

The main mystery of the story revolves around discovering who the murderer is before everyone is killed. I found myself getting frustrated at the main character, Meg, who seemed much too oblivious to some clues that were right in front of her, which I saw as being very obvious evidence. Throughout the entire story, I thought that I had the murderer figured out (which bummed me out since I thought I easily know how it would end), but it turned out that I didn't see the ending coming which was such a relief!

This is an easy and quick read - it took me about six hours to read. It was thrilling enough to capture and hold my attention for the entire duration of the story making it a perfect book to read as a buffer between reading larger books.

I'd recommend this for anyone looking for something puzzling and easy to read. However if you're looking for a thriller or horror story, you won't necessarily find that here.