A review by mamabookwyrm
Tell Me a Desire: Episode #2 by Tamara Lush


Tell Me a Desire picks up two years after we last see Emma and Caleb. He saved her bookstore and they’ve settled into a contented relationship. In this episode, we get to see a snapshot of their life together. We read about the lengths that Emma will go to in her author life to research and how Caleb will help her. Their sex life is still off-the-charts hot. It’s like reading a blog or journal about their life.

I enjoyed it but I still struggled with connecting to Emma. It felt like the whole book was just a giant ball of self-doubts and miscommunication. I can handle small amounts of miscommunication but, this was just a bunch of do I tell him or don’t I? And then she talks to everyone but him. I’d like to think by 35 years old, most people have matured past that kind of behavior. I do want to continue reading until the end though, I want to see if they get their happily ever after. Plus I’m still attached to Caleb, I still find him hot as hell.

ARC received in exchange for an honest review.
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