A review by abbythompson
I Kissed an Earl by Julie Anne Long


I do love a ship-board romance, but this one fell a little flat for me. Mostly because I found the heroine difficult to like. Violet was spoiled, arrogant, haughty ... and while she comes down a peg or two and learns to be useful and have purpose, I just didn't like her or feel as deeply connected to her as I did to previous heroines in this series. Eh, can't love 'em all.

Now the hero on the other hand, the newly styled Earl of Ardmay, is all that's manly, wind-swept and honor-bound. So much so that he seemed two dimensional at times. It was hard to separate him out from those clinch covers from the 80s with Fabio or some other muscle-bound hunk with a shirt half undone, hair blowing in the wind, clutching rope in one and and the heroine in the other. Bit too cartoony for me. And a bit too close to the hate-f***ing/rapey heroes found in the Old Skool romances.

The best part of this book is that is FINALLY makes some BIG revelations about the missing Lyon Redmond. Wow. No spoilers here, but I am so much more intrigued by the mystery now. Olivia and Lyon's book, when it happen, is going to be a SCORCHER. I have complete faith in Julie Anne Long.