A review by thegeekyblogger
Ink Flamingos by Karen E. Olson


Read for Fun!
Overall Rating 4.25
Story Rating 4.00
Character Rating 4.50

Fall Funk Reviews (Quick and Dirty because I am in a Review Writing Funk)

First Thought When Finished: Ink Flamingos is a twisty, turny page turner that kept me on my toes!

What I Thought of the Case: Ink Flamingos was a great stalker case which is a little different for a cozy mystery because the leading character, Brett, was the one being stalked. I enjoyed the cat and mouse game the stalker had with Brett and Karen took some great twists/turns with the story.

What I Thought of the Characters: Brett is a fantastic leading character for a cozy mystery series. Her brother is a cop so while she gets involved she does keep him in the loop. For some reason that makes it seem a little more plausible to me. I also really like Brett's family, coworkers, and friends. Each character is really well written and fun to read!

Final Thought: The Tattoo Shop mysteries are fun, engaging, and addictive! Pick them up :)