A review by ajam
Beyond the Aquila Rift: The Best of Alastair Reynolds by Alastair Reynolds



I wish I wasn't such a lazy slouch of a slow reader as I would love to devour everything this man has ever written. But then again, it is probably for the best as I have more time to read, digest and then rave Reynolds till everybody's ears give out
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•Great Wall of Mars - 5★
•Weather - 5★
•Minla's Flowers(Merlin #2) - 5★
•Beyond the Aquila Rift - 5★
•Zima Blue - 5★
•Fury - 4.5★
•The Star Surgeon’s Apprentice - 4★
•The Sledge-Maker’s Daughter - 3.5★
•Thousandth Night- 5★
•Troika - 5★
•Sleepover - 4★
•Vainglory - 3.5★
•Trauma Pod- 3.5★
•The Water Thief- 3.5★
•The Old Man and the Martian Sea- 4★
•In Babelsberg- 4.5★
•Diamond Dogs - 5★⋇
•The Last Log of the Lachrimosa - 4.5★⋇

-⋇ Currently on my way to finishing his Revelation Space series in a chronological order and those two stories lie pretty far below
- Great Wall Of Mars , shortly followed by Weather were my first introductions, all of this was of course preceded by the masterpiece