A review by andotherworlds
Trick Mirror: Reflections on Self-Delusion by Jia Tolentino


2 // This was unnecessary. Like really, the entire time I sat reading this *ULTRA HYPED* "hot girl book pick" I was left blank faced and bored because WHAT WAS THERE TO EXCITE MOI?!

None of the insights were particularly fresh or unheard of or even basic but so beautifully written we just forget about it.

The book was mostly just comprised of references to random pop culture names or events that the majority of the planet is already VERY WELL familiar with and with a side of sparse and overdone comments that just echo the general consensus we already have as readers.

I hate to give such popular books low remarks because I firmly believe in a very “to each their own” mindset when it comes to reading tastes, but for me, this book left me with not much of anything except a desire to move on to something better.