A review by beckiebookworm1974
Brutal Captor by Logan Fox


I mostly enjoyed this it’s a mafia-influenced romance and the first in the series. The blurb mentions multiple love interests so I’d assume it’s going to morph into a reverse harem-type scenario. In the first book it’s only really Finn the replacement bodyguard who is escorting Cora to safety. We do meet Bailey briefly who is her original protector but so far that’s it.

So Finn takes on what he assumes is going to be an easy job but smelling a rat needs to deviate from the original plan. Finn and Cora then find themselves on the run from an unknown threat with no idea who to trust. it’s obvious Cora is not who she first seems and as Finn becomes more invested he finds himself going above and beyond to keep her safe. Finn is an interesting character he has a very grey moral compass and is prepared to do what he needs to with no attacks of conscience. He fights an inner darkness on a daily basis especially when it comes to Cora who is meant to be off limits.

Cora is a strong character who has lived through horror and come out of it fighting. She’s drawn to Finn despite his back off vibes and prior actions. The dynamic between these two was interesting and the intimate scene definitely had a dub-con flavour when this concludes though it was obvious it was moving forward in regards to Finn's conflicted head-space. The cliffhanger finish left me hanging and I’m intrigued for what’s to come.

I said earlier that I mostly enjoyed this and that was because there were times I found the narrative a tad confusing especially in the last few chapters. Still this did keep my attention and the narrative had a brutal realism about it. This one certainly didn’t pull any punches and included plenty of dark scenarios.

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Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm