A review by ireadwhatuwrite
Box Set: The Spider Jockey Academy Series: Original Spider Jockey Action by Christopher Craft


The Spider Jockey Academy Series follows Boris. A human teen who has had a dream that leads him into the Minecraft world to find his way the the Spider Jockey Academy. Humans in general are not trusted by the mobs of Minecraft and though he makes some friends, most of the other students and some of his teachers are openly hostile to him being there.

Book 1- Covers his entry into the academy and his introduction to the faculty and student body. He immediately gets off on the wrong foot with history Professor Nitroe, who is intent on blaming Boris for every wrong a human has committed since the beginning of time. Also he has some runs-ins with upperclassmen Saul Sage, the zombie pigman who is the academy’s best jockey. Boris tries to keep his down and get through his classes best he can.

Book 2- Covers year one midterms to the end of the school year. Boris[ is still dealing with hostile elements in the school and trying to navigate his way through tests that are pass or die in some cases.

Book 3- Boris has made it to his sophomore year and though he no longer has to deal with open hostility, he knows he isn’t trusted by most everyone. Also his best friend is acting bizarrely and he is sure that he is somehow the reason.

The entire series so far has been a fun adventure that fits nicely in the Minecraft genre. Though it is fan fiction, most players will enjoy seeing the mobs as something more than game play and will enjoy learning a bit their history and heroes. The illustrations are pure minecraft and there are plenty of spell and weapon lore to satisfy any young minecraft fan. As a mom who spends hours a week with MC going on somewhere around me, I can say that it has made it a bit more enjoyable for me as well. I think the rest of the series, when it comes out will be just a fun. What I like about these books, and many of the other books by this author, is the built in impetuous for kids to read. We have all seen our crafting kids with their noses buried in the latest you tube tutorials, saves and play-alongs. While I will admit to the possible educational value in some of those, it is very nice to see the screen off and a nose buried in a book instead. Win-Win for kids and their parents/educators.