A review by dleiser
I Don't Expect Anyone to Believe Me by Juan Pablo Villalobos


I typically don’t write reviews but this one called for one. I usually enjoy meta-fiction avant garde but this book had teetered on the edge of good and bad the entire time and ended up crashing and burning for me.

While I understand stereotypes and tropes and prejudices can be deployed for various effects, this book decided to take everything it could wrap it up in a ball and continue to throw it at you for the hell of it.

There was an element that kept you reading, like any good detective novel, so I’ll give him that. But at least offer in any single way a moment to make that worth it.

As self referential as he is, he should have been aware how bad this was and course corrected. In the end this was a poor attempt in my mind.

I’m also open to a new way to look at it, so if anyone has clarification or wants to shed light on this I’d be open to it.