A review by julesreadsromance
Feels Like Home by Melissa Grace


I received an ARC of Feels like Home in exchange for an honest review.

As someone who is a child of a person with chronic pain (ironically the same illness as Katie) and a chronic pain sufferer myself, it was so nice to see it represented in such an authentic and accurate way.

I haven't read the first 3 books in this series, but after reading this one I immediately purchased the first three books.

I'm a HUGE romance reader, although mostly contemporary and dark romance, I do love a really good feel-good book and that’s exactly what this is. Katie and Dallas give such a great story of the journey of friends to lovers and all the trials and tribulations of navigating a new relationship coupled with a heavy health diagnosis.

The banter and the chemistry between Katie and Dallas is off the charts, even in her hardest moments and the entire friend group is just amazing. It’s truly great when your friends become your family. I could sit here and write a book about this book that’s how much i loved it