A review by mindforbooks
Power Bottom? by Rowan McAllister


I really enjoyed this, which surprised me a bit because that title. Really?

But ignore the title and you'll get a sweet, kind of silly, kind of funny and kind of actiony story about 2 adorable MC's and dual POV!!

I love dual POV!!

I really liked Adrian, I could relate to him a lot at the start but unfortunately his constant questioning of himself started to annoy me near the end. I get that he took a blow at the start (his ex is basically a total douchecanoe) but Wyatt could not have been clearer about how attractive he found him and to be honest I'd get well fed up with having to reassure someone ALL THE TIME especially after fabulous nookie. But Wyatt is pretty damn awesome so he doesn't seem to mind much.

I liked the little mystery and action element that was thrown in here as well. Just made it a bit more fun for me and even though it was utterly ridiculous it kept me totally entertained. I would've liked a bit more closure on some things but overall it was good.

For me this was just perfect escapism, which I need right now, fun and well written with a few steamy moments and a bit of action. What more can you ask for?

BR with Marte and Susan!!

Thanks ladies. Much fun was had and I learned that pancakes for breakfast is not a 'thing' everywhere. Learning all the time! :D