A review by gaymoonreader
Torn by Jennifer L. Armentrout


This book gave me all the freaking emotions. I skimmed through the first book since it has been so long since I've been in this series, and I am so glad I decided to continue because this gave me so many feels. I definitely saw some of the plot twists coming, but some actually took me by surprise because I was still reeling from some of the emotionally traumatizing bits. I really did enjoy this so much!

This book made me ugly cry. I haven't ugly cried since I read The Book Thief, and while this definitely isn't even close to that intensity, it was definitely high up there. It just made me laugh, made me smile, made me angry, scared, and literally--I just felt all of the freaking emotions! 

This reminds me why I love Jennifer L. Armentrout's books. She just has this really addicting writing style for one, which I adore. But the way she tells stories is just absolutely delicious, and I absolutely cannot get enough of it! I am not that person that says I love everything the woman writes (*cough* Half-Blood series *cough*). Believe me, I'm not saying everything she writes is magic. But the way she writes certain stories just really gives me life, and this series is definitely one of them.

One thing I do love is that she made the characters (okay, mostly Ivy) very relatable and real. Ivy is overweight, she has thick, unruly, red hair. She doesn't look perfect like every other YA heroine ever, and I really appreciate that. I also love how she is described as being compared to Merida from the Disney movie Brave so many times, and I am living for it!

Speaking of, we just need to talk about ALL THE REFERENCES. Basically, just about every fandom ever is mentioned in this book at one point or another. There's The Walking Dead, Supernatural, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and so many more, and I just love it so much. These are all coming from a character who we definitely get to know a lot better and that is Tink. He is obsessed with Amazon Prime and all things fandom-related, and he is definitely the comic relief of the whole series.

This series goes to some dark places, and we really get to explore those dark places a bit more in this book. The world is expanded upon and the overarching plotline is expanded upon, and we just really dive deep into the Fae in this book, which I absolutely loved because I always find one's take on the Fae to be super fascinating. I definitely think Jennifer probably took some inspiration from Sarah J. Maas, but she also put her own twist on the fae and their appearance and culture, which was really interesting to read.

I also really love how there is this sort of link between the way the Order and the humans are versus the Fae and I personally think I could draw a more modern and contemporary link to it. I was actually talking about this the other day with my friend, so it is a very modern take on things, but in our society today there is this constant debate on racism between African Americans and White people. I think that this book does a great job of examing those links and how we can do better in our society today. That was just a thought I had while reading it.

But overall, I really enjoyed this book, I love this series and the writing, the romance, the badassery and all of the fae plotlines in this book. And I am so excited to read the final book in the series, Brave!

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