A review by snoopydoo77
Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson


I have been seeing this series everywhere and it sounded like something I would enjoy. Once in a while I like a good mystery and who can resist a school setting?!

I saw that it had mixed rating and I was hesitant but I went for it anyway… I’m happy to report that I enjoyed it.

I liked the writing, and the way she mixed the two timelines to keep it interesting and us reading and guessing, but without being confusing or too much of it.

I have to admit though that Stevie was not my favorite, while I liked her (most the time) I often got annoyed by her. She sometimes thought very highly if herself. Also, sometimes things just always seemed to work out for her or people all the sudden stepped in out if nowhere, that not always made complete sense.

The semi very low-key romance I could have lived without, or at least I'm not sure how I feel about it … yet…. we will see how it goes.

Overall, it definitely is a first book in the series and establishes worldbuilding and interduces us to a lot of characters.

It started out a bit slow because of the world and character building but it got pretty fast paced about quarter way in and has some twists for sure. It also keeps us guessing even at the end.

The end is a pretty good cliffhanger…… I didn’t see that coming ….I thought there was something up…. but that was not it.

Overall, I loved the mystery and guessing and can’t wait what book two has in store for us.

I rate it 4★ 

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