A review by abeesbooks
Brutal Prince by Sophie Lark

dnf’d at 45%

guys. i told myself i need to DNF much more often and I am holding myself to this. I put a lot of time into this and im counting it because i can. I MAKE THE RULES!

✨let me say this now, dont read this if you like this book. i never want to bring a writer down so this is just about the characters and i plan on giving sophie more chances i just really did not like this book and everyone’s tastes are different!!!! Sophie is extremely talented but this just wasn’t for me. anyways. here’s my rant. ✨

anywho. i hated the mmc in this book. this is my first sophie book and i really want to give her books a chance but the way he talks about our fmc makes me SICK. he literally says at one point that he’s turned on by the fact that she’s a doll built to his perfection..no fucking thank you. he quite literally forces her to do something without even telling her and if that were me, i’d would actually break his dick. i recognize this is a dark mafia romance but i cannot overlook this fucking dude. His attitude towards her and how he is always thinking that he’s going to mold her into a proper person???? HELLO?!?! I understand that this is a HATE TO LOVE but my fucking god man, you don’t have to mold a fucking woman because you don’t like her personality. she is not a dog. He just gave me such a fucking ick that i couldn’t get past the 45% mark. Even the spice was getting on my nerves. all in all, Callum was a walking red flag and was not the vibe i wanted. i hope someone else loved this because i did not :)