A review by karen_the_baroness
A Grave Roast by A.N. Sage


A Grave Roast by A.N. Sage sees Piper Addison traversing Orchard Hollow without her grandma, that was helping her get her magic.

Can Piper solve the mystery without getting into trouble?

Piper Addison
Piper Addison is turning forty, lost her grandma recently, and started a new business venture. Did I also mention that she's a witch? Yeah, she's that too, but unlike the other witches and paranormal creatures in Orchard Hollow, Piper has quite a hard time getting her magic to cooperate. Oh, and instead of having a regular familiar, she has a ghost. The ghost is also the only one that she can see, sadly. Piper gets told by an acquaintance to meet her at her new coffee shop, which is closed due to one malfunctioning expresso maker, and is found dead in her back alley. The police think Piper might have something to do with it, and so Piper is on the case to figure out what happened to him.

Piper is quite the character in how she presents herself to the rest of the community and tries to let the other witches know that she isn't concerned about her lack of magic in public when in reality, she does. I think Piper is a fascinating character, and I can't wait to see what she gets into in the next book.

The Mystery
Piper finds a dead body in her back alley, and it isn't good in the eyes of the police. So, to keep herself out of jail, Piper has decided to solve this case for the police, especially after the sheriff decides it was an accidental overdose after seeing the coroner's report. Piper soon learns that the dead guy's death could be connected to another case that was ruled as a natural cause of death. Are they connected, or is Piper just making things up? I have to say that I pegged many things but not the killer or their motive. Now that motive was a plot twist that I never saw coming.

Four Stars
My rating for A Grave Roast by A.N. Sage is four stars. I'm also recommending it to anyone that wants to read a new take on a cozy culinary paranormal mystery. Ms. Sage has created an interesting lore for this series, and I can't wait to read more about Orchard Hollow and Piper. Who knows, maybe Piper will see many things differently and learn more about her magic.

There is a recipe in the back for a drink called Mocha a la Joe.

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of A Grave Roast by A.N. Sage.

Until the next time,
Karen the Baroness

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