A review by bsparx
Alice in Sunderland by Bryan Talbot, A.N. Other


What is there to say about Alice in Sunderland? Off the top of my head I can say that I’m happy I finished it finally. When I reached that ending, an ending that felt like it was miles away no matter the closer I got to it, it felt like a great relief.

It isn’t that Sunderland isn’t interesting, it is, but it makes you feel like you’re being bombarded by information left, right, and centre, because you are.

Sunderland is a graphic novel of information overload based around the history and connections of Sunderland, Lewis Carroll, and Alice in Wonderland. I would have loved all this information if it wasn’t absolutely drenched in it and had an easier way of either relating to the reader or a smoother delivery.

This is a chaotic collection of information and facts dressed up in what is meant to be a fun way to experience it all, but it makes me feel like I should have had my umbrella, raincoat, and perhaps taken some form of hallucinogens before embarking on this adventure.

For the rest of my review please visit my blog.