A review by atlevine
Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson



How was Kevin Wilson able to write a book about children literally bursting into flames and make it seem normal? I loved the concept of this book, I just wish it were a little longer and that more stuff happened.

Madison is the wife of a powerful Senator. Lillian was her unlikely roommate at Iron Mountian, an elite boarding school for the wealthy (Lillian was neither wealthy nor "elite"). Even though Lillian's time at the school was cut short, they have been friends ever since.

Well. Sort of. They've been Pen Pals.

Madison and Lillian actually haven't seen each other since they were at boarding school. So it's a bit of a surprise when Madison calls Lillian and tells her she's got a job opportunity for her, and to come to her mansion ASAP. The job is to live at the Senator's mansion and be the nanny for her two step-children while Madison and her husband decide how to transition them into the family. But there's a catch - when the children get upset, they burst into flames.

I thought this novel had interesting insight into parenting and how to find meaning in life through service to others. It's heartwarming to see Lillian's love for these children, but I wish Madison's character was more fleshed out. I really, really disliked her (hated her actually), and I think I would have enjoyed the book more if there was some redeeming quality about her. Then I could have understood Lillian's perspective more.

Overall I would have liked to see the relationship between Madison and Lillian expanded upon during their boarding school days. I feel as though that section was just glazed over when it's the basis for why Lillian agrees to any of this in the first place. Cute story, but I wanted more.