A review by lisaluvsliterature
The Ever After by Amanda Hocking


This was a very detailed and perfect ending to this trilogy. I also loved how it brought all the different types of trolls from the other series together. One thing that I was really appreciative of was how the author made sure to kind of do a recap as the story went along, in ways that fit in seamlessly instead of like an info dump at the very beginning to refresh what had happened in the books before.

Ulla finally does learn who her true parents are, and we get to see many of the characters and locations from the other books and like I said, it brings it all back together for a final battle where we join with characters we knew from the first two series that go with this one. There are creatures that are so unique, like murder snails, yeah, you read that right. And the spiders, whoa! They make another appearance similar to what Ulla found in one of the earlier books of this trilogy. Towards the end I felt a little bit like the battle was going on for so long, but part of that could be because we started getting very short chapters from people that were the main characters in the other series, Wendy and Bryn, interspersed with Ulla’s chapters.

The title of the second book gets a bit of an exploration with a rhyme/song in this book. And there is a bit of a time conundrum for some of the characters that did have me doing some thinking as I read. Overall a good series, and I think one that would definitely be easy for someone to read now that they could sit down and read all three straight through.

Review first published on Lisa Loves Literature.