A review by lisa01
Always Mine by A.J. Renee


Always Mine By AJ Renee Rated 5 stars

I was super excited to read this book. In the last book it was hinted at the Lindsey and Marc have some sort of past but neither of them knew it. Noah figured it out and kept it a secret from them. When Lindsey and Marc are together it's crazy. He is usually tense and she tries to ignore him. Now that they have found out that she is "half-pint" and his best friends little Sister both are happy but sad. Happy because it's been many years since they have seen each other and their future possibilities. Sad because Marc realizes that he can never act on his feelings since she is Andrew's little sis. That is the bro code "never date a sister". Lindsey had a huge crush on Marc growing up but he started acting very stand offish so when he went off to the military with Noah she decided to move on just like he did.

Andrew, Noah and Marc were tight growing up. Marc doesn't want anyone getting between their friendship and him wanting Lindsey would do just that.
I love how Marc is so growly and jealous of anyone....literally anyone MALE near or talking to Lindsey. That was before he even knew who she was......so after they figured out they were friends as kids? Yep it was worse! So when a secret admirer enters the picture and Lindsey thinks it's Derek her former boyfriend. Let's just say Marc goes a little ballistic when ever Derek is mentioned or seen. When the activities of her secret admirer become more stalkerish Noah and Marc try to make sure Lindsey is safe. But it seems nothing can stop the stalker.
Marc is such a possessive and jealous guy and Lindsey is a stand up for yourself girl. Those are great qualities in two lead characters. They will learn to bend for each other before they break. I enjoyed the way Marc kept Lindsey from asking questions he didn't want to answer. Also his nickname for her and the reason behind it- so cute!
Such a wonderful guy! But the kisses that get planted on Lindsey from Marc? Whew! Keep a fire extinguisher handy! Because they are Hot Hot Hot.
I hope the next book is about Jamie Lynn and Jesse. They seem to have something going on...chemistry or something.