A review by heabooknerd
Absolution by Kaylea Cross


I knew going in, that ABSOLUTION was going to be really emotional; there's so much history between Luke and Emily and we've seen hints of it throughout the series. Kaylea Cross is a fantastic writer and her stories always suck me in from the start. ABSOLUTION had a slower pace with less action but that was fine because it was really more about rebuilding the relationship between Luke and Emily. These two have really lived hard lives and I was so happy to see them finally get their happily ever after.

From the beginning we've seen how dedicated Luke is to stopping Tehrazzi and how conflicted he was over his hand in turning a young boy into a terrorist. Cross does an amazing job creating a truly complex villain and exploring the grey areas around his motivations. Luke is sure that Tehrazzi will target Emily so he insists on protecting her, but when he finds out she's sick he realizes that he might lose his chance for reconciliation. Luke is very much the strong, silent type who's used to taking charge and solving problems but he can't solve Emily's cancer. On top of that, Luke has to learn to forgive himself for his past mistakes and I really loved watching him deal with these more vulnerable moments. I do wish we could have seen more of Luke rebuilding his relationship with his son, Rayne, but since they weren't in the same country it's understandable.

Emily has tried to move on from Luke but he's the love of her life and he'll always have her heart. I felt so much for Emily who's been dealt a lot of hard hands in life and isn't sure if she can keep fighting. Emily was so sweet and compassionate and a natural caretaker but she doesn't exactly know how to lean on others. She always wanted things to be perfect for Luke when they were still together, but it also meant keeping her worries and concerns to herself. Having Luke back in her life is hard for Emily but she's so willing to forgive and enjoy the time they have together.

Luke and Emily were truly perfect together and my heart hurts for the time they had to spend apart. It was obvious from the beginning how much they still cared for each other and how strong their attraction still was. Luke and Emily had a lot to work through and I loved going on this journey with them.

Content Warning: Emily has cancer and is undergoing treatment; Luke has PTSD