A review by 1siobhan
The Grampian Quartet by Nan Shepherd


I decided to write my PhD project about Nan Shepherd so I had to like her ouevre :D

I didn't read the entire book as I had already read the majority to of these. But "A Pass in the Grampians" is only available in this Grampian Quartet, so...

"A Pass in the Grampians" is a story about a close-knit rural community in Scotland between Aberdeenshire and the Cairngorms. Live goes on as it always has for centuries, but the arrival of Bella Cassidy, former member of this community and now famous extravagant singer, is wrecking havoc and chaos. With her disdain for their traditions, Bella will not only disrupt the peaceful lives of young Jenny, who is both mountain girl and interested in exploring the world, but also Bella's own life. Secrets will be uncovered, lives will change.

I very much enjoyed this story and the serene descriptions of nature infusing people and their feelings. Again, absolutely beautiful.

Five Stars

I also loved the "Quarry Wood", a beautiful beautiful feminist coming-of-age story, I adore "The Living Mountain" not only from a literary perspective but from my own experience as a hiker in the Cairngorms and I liked the "Weatherhouse" and that the boundary between female functionality and madness are not always clear.

If you can deal with this pondering, nature-infused, Zen-like style of writing, pick it up!