A review by adelaidemetzger_robotprophet
The Evil Within Vol. 2: The Interlude by Ryan O'Sullivan


This was alright. Unlike the previous comic for the first game, this one actually felt like part of the series and not someone's take on an adaptation of the game.

This comic is--as it says--an interlude between the first game and the second game. It follows Sebastian Castellanos as he supposedly escaped Beacon Hospital and is put on the case of a nursery rhyme serial killer. But things aren't what they seem and Sebastian has to face the chaos once again.

With how the second game begins, I don't really understand where this story fits. At the end of the first game, it's questionable if Sebastian really did escape STEM or not. But at the beginning of the second game it's made apparent that Sebastian willingly reenters STEM under the guidance of Kidman and her boss. This is proven at the end of the second game when Kidman helps Sebastian wake up and save Lily.

So....this interlude might work if Sebastian was still in STEM at the end of the first game BEFORE the Executioner DLC. But if that's the case when did Sebastian wake up and escape STEM before Mobius retrieved their machine and sent in Pedro Martin? I'm still confused at how this fits into the second game.

The art is good and I really liked how every time Sebastian went into a "dream state" the art style changed to thinner characters and hard edges; really neat design choice. Overall, this was more focused and relatable to the cannon of the franchise than the previous comic. Made me wish there were novelizations of the series because I am REALLY hungry for more of this world and these characters.