A review by nicspears
Fury's Kiss by Nicola R. White


** review for BareNakedWords **

For being a debut novel Nicola R. White has done an absolutely amazing job at delivering one hell of a book.

‘Fury’s Kiss’ is the perfect blend of modern day meets Greek Mythology, and one that will have you reading until the very end. I was hooked from the start and ended up staying up all night to finish just so I didn't have to stop.

Tara Walker’s life as she knew it was about to change after one horrific night leaves her beaten, and doing something she never thought she was capable of. With ‘something’ taking up residence within her, Tara and an unlikely team of allies must race against time and the police to uncover what exactly their life now entails.

Something dark and sinister is lurking in the shadows…

“Something dark was stirring, perhaps as old as Alecto herself, and I had been chosen to be her champion in the war against it. Her sister in arms, as she was my sister in spirit.”

I liked Tara’s character and the way she struggled to come to terms with her new ‘abilities’ and the danger that seemed to be stalking her. She wasn’t one of these characters who took everything in her stride and just coped. She was afraid of losing herself in the process of what was happening to her and we watched as she grew to accept everything and to find a balance and understanding between and Alecto.

Jackson, for me seemed very indecisive when it came to what he actually wanted when it came to Tara. He hated her, but couldn’t seem to stay away from her. The only thing he was certain of was what lengths he would go to, to protect his loved one; Nora and Ruby, and that is one thing I did admire him for.

“With Nora and Ruby. He was a dedicated, selfless protector. While with me, he was male chauvinism personified.”

The secondary characters were just as important as the main. Enough that I wouldn’t even call them secondary characters. I loved the relationship between Tara and her two roommates and the fact that although they didn’t really understand what Tara was going through, they put themselves on the line to help her. They were after all the Three Musketeers.

Yes there is an aspect of romance in this book between Jackson and Tara, but that isn’t what attracted me to the book or what I enjoyed most. I loved the back story and getting to know all the Greek Legends about The Fury’s. Nicola did a wonderful job at explaining everything clearly so you wouldn’t become lost or confused and you could tell a lot of research and time had gone into the writing.

This is a great start to what looks to be a promising series and I cannot wait to watch it all unfurl right before my eyes.

If you are looking for something a bit different, then I would highly recommend you check this book out. It has just about everything you could ask for in a book; likable characters, suspense, humour, and a bloody good plot to bind it all together.