A review by nonesensed
Fray by Rowenna Miller


 Sophie has survived a revolution and is now betrothed to a crown prince. As fairy tale like as it sounds, reality is much harsher. While Prince Theodore struggles to write a reform bill that will please the rightfully upset common people of Galitha but still get approved by the governing body of nobles, Sophies faces equal challenges, if on a smaller scale, in deciding how her life will go. She cannot marry a prince and keep her atelier. She cannot forget how to cast curses. She cannot have her brother back, even though he lives. What will the future hold for her and all her fellow Galithians?

I predicted I would eat my way through this book like a box of chocolates, and I was right! Such a page turner! I love it when stories of revolution and political change have a realistic continuations, and this definitely is that. 

While I also love the magical aspect of Sophie's tale, it's the emotional and political parts that had me chomping at the bit waiting for my library to get a copy of the second and third book in this trilogy. I wanted to know if Sophie would reunited with her brother, would get to keep her atelier, would get to marry Theodore and be happy. I wanted to know how the supposed leadership of Galitha would react post-revolution, how the regular people on the street would deal with the aftermath of bloodshed and also with the promise of more access to power. I got all of this is spades, and I very well pleased!

There's only one thing I'm less than happy about, but it's not an actual critique of the book, it's more of a personal "nope", and it's such a brief part of the book it's almost not worth mentioning.
I hate it when animals die in stories (and in real life) for whatever reason. Adult humans hurting and killing each other I can deal better with, because humans have slightly more say-so in where they are and understanding of other humans. Animals dying is like small children dying, so Onyx dying from the poison meant for Sophie broke my heart.

Highly recommend this series thus far! Will be moving on to book 3 a-sap!